Why Investing in Madagascar's Real Estate is a Worthy Consideration?

Madagascar, the largest island in the Indian Ocean, is increasingly becoming an attractive destination for real estate investments especially in largest cities of this country. 
Its unique location, developing infrastructure, and political stability are drawing the attention of global investors. In this article, we present the main advantages of investing in Madagascar’s real estate, focusing on factors important to professional investors.

Strategic Location and Growing Economy

Situated on a strategic maritime route between Asia and Africa, Madagascar offers not only access to international markets but also benefits from a growing economy. With an average annual GDP growth of over 5% in recent years, the country shows a dynamic economic development. This growth is supported by a diversity of sectors such as tourism, agribusiness, and raw material exports.

Political Stability and Improved Business Environment

Recent years have seen significant improvements in Madagascar’s political stability, which is crucial for securing investments. The government is actively working on enhancing business regulations and procedures, acknowledged in global rankings like the World Bank’s DoingBusiness report. Such efforts not only increase the investment attractiveness of the country but also boost the confidence of international investors.

Infrastructure Investments

Madagascar is actively investing in infrastructure development, a key factor for the real estate sector. The modernization of ports, construction of new roads and bridges, and expansion of the energy and telecommunications networks open new opportunities for the development of residential, commercial, and industrial projects.

Natural Resources and Tourist Attractions

Madagascar’s unparalleled natural resources and biodiversity make it one of the most unique places on Earth, attracting tourists and investors from the tourism sector. The development of tourism real estate such as hotels, resorts, or holiday apartments is well-founded on the increasing number of tourists visiting the island each year.

Demographic Potential

With over 31 million inhabitants and a significant portion of the population in the working age, Madagascar offers a large workforce and a growing consumer market. A young and increasing population creates demand for modern housing, services, and commercial infrastructure, opening broad opportunities for real estate developers and investors.


Investing in Madagascar’s real estate offers not only favorable economic and political conditions but also access to unique natural and demographic resources that are attractive to international investors. Thanks to ongoing reforms and investments in infrastructure, Madagascar is becoming an increasingly competitive and stable market on the global investment map.

Nobilis Group Estate invites you to discover the potential of Madagascar. Join us in exploring this gem of the Indian Ocean, and let us guide you towards making informed, profitable investments in this land of untapped potential.